Beverley Doody

My Coaching Journey

meet BeverlEy Doody

Why did I decide to become a leadership coach?

Because it’s fun and because I am convinced everyone has a purpose, possibly several, and talents and contributions to make to improve the world and themselves.

I believe I can help you find yours…by helping you clear the “clutter” that may be in the way to becoming your best self.

This became clear to me during a recent leadership course where I experienced coaching for myself.

It took an objective third party – someone I barely knew – to help me “see” me differently and reveal what I enjoyed doing…what I was good at doing.

I was asked to do an exercise to chart major events in my life…

The first event that surfaced was a vivid early memory of a family holiday to Malta in the Mediterranean. The sun was shining.  My Mum was watching my baby sister under a canopy by the pool, and my eldest sister was swimming in the sea with my Dad. Not being able to swim yet, I was wearing floaties and pattering around the edge of the water, gingerly dipping my toes in from time to time. My Dad called over to me and encouraged me to go up on the nearby cliff and jump in – he would catch me. Despite my fears and inability to swim, I was able to take that leap…because of his encouragement and my complete trust in him. I had total faith that I could do it and I would be safe.

The second event occurred many years later when I made another change.  I asked my husband – who is very risk-averse – to uproot his life so I could pursue a career opportunity in the U.S.  He would need to abandon the presidency of his beloved squash club, his structural engineering career and wave goodbye to our grown children and other close family so that I could move forward in my profession. This was not an easy decision but when the offer came, the stars aligned, and the time was right to experience new things.  But while I had colleagues and connections in the US, he had none.  So I made a commitment I would help him navigate the change.  Show him the way.

When I shared these moments with the workshop coach, he reflected back to me what he had heard, and then said, “You realize in many ways you helped your husband exactly the way your Dad helped you. You said, “Take the leap and I’ll catch you!” It was a tremendous realization for me and led me to think through my own purpose and passion. It was true.  I helped my husband find his feet here, make connections, adjust and find new opportunities for him in the US.  And it was fun, and our relationship deepened.  This wasn’t the only time I had provided that kind of support, direction and connection to another human being.  In my career, that’s what I was doing every day.  I wanted to hone in on these skills and find how to make them central to my professional journey.  After some pondering and some further learning and credentialing, here we are.

So… My why? My purpose? … to provide a fun, collaborative, and supportive experience through which clients are empowered to “take the leap!”


What My Clients Say

"I have known Beverley for over ten years and she is probably the best HR business partner I’ve worked with. What impressed me the most is not only her expertise in people management and organizational design but also the way she communicates and influences others.’"
General Manager